Setting Educational Goals

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How can I get my family to cooperate with my educational goals?

Setting Educational Goals

When you decide to further your education, you are setting a goal for yourself. Now you need to get your kids in agreement with your goals and decide how you are going to accomplish it. It will help if you talk about your goals with your children, and encourage them to set some goals that they themselves would like to do or accomplish. Give them time to think about some goals and write them down. Then discuss steps they can take to accomplish their goals. This will help them understand how important goals are and the steps necessary to attain them. If their goal is to be the star player on the soccer or basketball team, then they will see how hard they must practice and train to become that star. This will help them see that they need to be supportive of you in reaching your goals just as you support them in reaching their goals. Ask for their help and understanding and attaining your goal will be much easier.



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