Single Parent Links

SingleParent Tip Book
Child Care
Day Care Supplies
Spend the Day
Tour the Day Care
Get References
Meet With Caregivers
Interviewing Babysitters
Have a Trial Run
Finding A Babysitter
Home Alone
Safety Tips for Children Left Alone
Determining When a Child is Ready to Be Left Home Alone
Problems Associated with Latch-Key Kids
Home Alone and the Phone Rings
Signs of Stress Associated with Being Left Home Alone
Being Left Alone Is a Big Responsibility
Check In Time
Testing for Home Alone Readiness
More Safety Tips for Children Left Alone
Ease Back to Work Worries
Comforting Kisses
Kisses to Go
TV Watching Should Be Monitored
Praise Your Child
Sleep Deprived Kids
Importance of Sleep
Reading Time Ritual
Show Your Love
Build Confidence in Your Child
Create a Love of Reading
Encourage Your Child
Encourage Your Child to Play
Social Rewards for Your Kids
Reading to Your Child
Family Time Read Aloud
Helping Children Overcome Fear
Blind Dates
Ask Questions
Make Sure It Is Love Not Lust
Avoid Dating Bloopers
Do Not Get Desperate to Marry or Remarry
Types of Individuals to Avoid Dating
More Types of Individuals to Avoid Dating
Never Date Strangers!
Avoid Dating People You Work With
Ditch Those Lazy Bums!
Do Not Settle for Less Than the Best
Red Flags
Marry for Love Not Convenience
Do Not Date Out of Boredom
Know Something About Your Date
Be cautious
Planning Dates During Custodial Visits
Set an Example for Your Children
You are No Longer Single, but a Package Deal
Keep Your Eyes Open
Learn to Say NO to Unwanted Dates
Friends First
Listen to Your Children
Respect Must be Earned
Showing Affection
Honesty is the Best Policy
Sex and the Single Parent Do Not Mix
Reassure Your Children
Get Rid of the Chips
Introducing Dates to Your Children
Discussing Your Dating with Your Children
Children Disapproving of Your Dating
Common Ground
Sex and the Single Parent
Go Slow and Proceed with Caution
Let Your Child Know You Are Dating
Potential Mate and Your Children
Just a Date
True Love Waits
Learn Self-Control
Childless First Dates
No Home Dates
Do Not Hide the Kids
The Real Joy of Sex
Importance of Boundaries
Establish Boundaries and Enforce Them
Setting Boundaries
Avoid the Button Pushing
Modify Boundaries As Needed
Discipline by Setting Boundaries
Lay the Groundwork Early
Teenagers and Independence
Don't Overcompensate!
Discipline and Love
One Step at a Time
You Are the Boss
Time Those Time-Outs
Your Date and Child Discipline
Whine-Free Waiting
Reward Good Behavior
Teaching Lessons One by One
Avoid Tantrums
Discussing Discipline with your Child
Your Date's Discipline Responsibility
Use Positive Discipline
Rewards for Older Children
Adapt Discipline to Age
Proper Discipline Adds Self-Esteem
Joint Custody Issues
Joint Physical Custody vs. Joint Legal Custody
School and Joint Physical Custody
Making Joint Physical Custody Work
Helping Kids Deal with Divorce
Grief and Divorce
Don't Put Your Kids in the Middle
Talking to your children
Stability for You and Your Kids
Don't Spoil Your Children
Working with your acting out child
Create a Stable Nurturing Home
Helping Your Kids Deal With Rejection
Show Respect
Give Your Children Time to Heal
Absent Father
Male Mentors
Understanding Rejection
Power struggles--Don't Play the Game!
The emotional roller coaster of divorce
Give Yourself Time to Heal
Stop the fighting
When your spouse leaves
Power Struggles--No Competition!
The death of a marriage
Setting Educational Goals
Student Financial Assistance
Don't Get in a Hurry
The Hare and the Tortoise
Learning can be Fun
Education for the fun of it
Get Going
No Excuses Allowed
Backpack Station
Homework Station
Spelling Dictionary
Back-to-School Supplies
Back-to-School Clothes
Special Parent Folder
Organize the Night Before
Morning Checklist
Celebrate End-of-Summer
Designated Homework Area
After-School Activity Calendar
Family Email
ABC's by Touch
Color of the Day
Magnetized Flash Cards
Celebrate Successes
Squeeze Those Lemons
How to Deal with Anger
Unnecessary Anger
Anger Directed at Ex-spouse
Making Anger Work for You
Rule #2 for Direct Verbal Expression of Anger
Rule #4 for Direct Verbal Expression of Anger
Identify the Anger
Discuss Your Anger with Your Child
Temper Accountability
Step Back and Cool Off
Stick to the Issue
Rule #1 for Direct Verbal Expression of Anger
Rule #3 for Direct Verbal Expression of Anger
Evaluate Source of Anger
Dealing with Depression
Depression Affects Your Health
Get Counseling
Avoid Depressive Thinking
Clinical Depresssion Can Be Hereditary
Fight Depression with Exercise
Depression Affects Your Bone Density
Discuss Integrity with Your Children
Suicidal Children
Pay Attention to Your Child
Integrity Is an Important Part of Emotional Health
You Don't Have to Be Lonely
Childhood Fears
Single Parenting Affects You Emotionally
Use "I" Statements Rather than "You"
Internal Jogging
Laughter, A Natural Pain Killer
Laughter Prescription
Laughter Improves the Body
Definition of Humor
Laughter, Its Good for You
Laughter Eases Pain
Tell a Joke
Have a Good Belly Laugh
Laughter Boosts Immune System
Laughter Boosts Endorphines
Humor Can Help Fight Infections
Therapeutic Power of Humor
Humor Is Essential
Open Your Eyes to Humor
Time to Make Lemonade
Squeeze Those Lemons
Check Your Job Attitude
Lemonade on the Job
What Now?
Just Be All You Can Be
Make an Attitude Adjustment
Have Realistic Expectations
No Guilt Trips
Be Optimistic about Your Life
Making Major Decisions
Do Small Things with Great Love
Problems Faced by Single Parents
Single Parenting Does Not Have to be Negative
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Dads Are Important Too
Fathers in custody evaluation
Provide Entertainment while Traveling
Traveling with Children
Take Time to Enjoy Visits
Women Can Do Repairs Too
Weekly Refresher
Weekly Refresher Break Ideas
UIFSA (Uniform Interstate Family Support Act)
Duration of Child Support
Child Support Review
Child Support Encourages Paternal Involvement
Child Support Arrears and Visitation
Wage Withholding
Information Required by Child Support Enforcement
Child Support and AFDC
Bad Check for Child Support
Child Support from Prisoners
Child Support Payment through Child Support Enforcement
Contempt of Court
Bounced (Bad) Child Support Checks
Petition for Child Support
Cost to Apply for Child Support Enforcement
Cost for Child Support Enforcement Services
Default Judgment
Problems in Receiving Child Support
Get Help in Collecting Child Support
Public Aid and Child Support Enforcement
Discuss Issues
What your ex should know
How to communicate without talking
No Bad-Mouthing
Meet at Least Once a Month
When the children complain
Communicating Negative Messages
Communication is Important
Keep the Other Parent Informed
Don't Cut Your Ex Out of the Loop
Your Child Is not a Message Center
No Accusations
Forget Past Mistakes
Don't Act As if You Know More
Stay Calm
Avoid Mudslinging
Don't Expect Too Much
Forget Perfectionism
Your Child's Love Cannot Be Bought
Your Ex-Spouse as Your Babysitter
No Double Standards
Avoid Becoming Jealous of Time Your Children Spend with the Other Parent
Don't Confuse Your Kids
Issues not Handled by Child Support Enforcement
Family Fun
Short Day Trips
Plan a Special Dinner
The Great Outdoors
Single Parent Cruises or Trips
Family Hour
Teach Your Kids to Cook
Play with Your Child
Family Game Night
Escape From Stress
Escape for the Day
Tourist Anyone?
Planning Your Monthly Special Dinner
Who Wants to be a Model?
Kindness Tree
Treasure Bottle
Make a Bird Feeder
Press Agent
Scrapbook Fun
Water Fun
Mini Car Wash
Family Car Wash
Lunch Notes
Help the Kids Need Clothes!
Bargain Alert!
Great Movies at a Bargain
Entertainment for Less
Brown Bag Extras
Stock Up on Grocery Sale Items
Save Money on Meats
Just Say “No” to Junk Foods
Buy Meat in Bulk
Buy in Bulk and Save
Brown Bag It
Prepare Lunches Ahead of Time
Cut Back on Eating Out
Back to Down Home Cooking
Shared Medical Expenses for Children
Providing Health Insurance Coverage
Determining Amount of Insurance Needed
Home Buying
Get Price Quotes on Insurance Coverage
Buying a Home
Applying for a Home Loan
Monitor Your Cash Flow
Babysitter--Can't Afford One!
More Cutting Back Tips
Gather Financial Documents for Safekeeping
Prepare a Will and/or An Estate Plan
Cutting Back
Extracurricular Activity Expenses
Movie Night at Home
Establish a Savings Goal
Limit Credit Cards and Credit Purchases
Tax Time Rewards
Use Your Income Tax Refund Wisely
Earned Income Credit (EIC)
Goals and Priorities
Set Goals for Yourself
Encourage Your Children to Set Goals
Become More Present-Moment-Oriented
Choices Made Today Affect Your Future
Stay Grateful
Small Things Can Make a Difference
Spread Happiness
Give Thanks Every Day
Soul Food – Healthy or Junk?
Be Part of the Solution not the Problem
Teaching Children Integrity
Setting Goals for Your Children to Follow
Stay Positive and Focused
Play for Fun
Keep the Faith-Set an Example
After Dinner Bonding
Spend Quality Time with your Kids Every Day
Be Realistic about Your Life
Keep the Faith
Do Good to Others
Schedule Your Time
The Heart of Family Life
Set Realistic Goals
Make Time for Your Child Each Evening
Health and Fitness
Better Nutrition Helps Kids Avoid the Battle of the Bulge
Cut Health Care Costs with Proper Nutrition
Encourage Healthy Eating
Ummm-It Is So Good
Reduce the Junk
Better Nutrition Leads to Healthier Lives Now and in the Future
Set a Good Example
No Force Feeding
Let Your Kids Help Prepare Meals
Keep Junk Food Out of the House
Nutritious Snacks
Let Your Kids Help Plan Meals
Teach Your Kids to Cook
Make Nutrition a Priority
Better Nutrition Means Healthier and Slimmer Bodies
Better Nutrition Boosts Self-Esteem
Better Nutrition Enhances Energy
Make Nutrition a Priority for Your Children
Better Nutrition Means Better Health
Meals from the Freezer
Freezer Lunches
Tea for Your Health
Fast Foods Homestyle
Hearty Breakfast for Supper
After School Snacks
Fruit Kids Will Eat
Save Money by Eating Healthy
Home Cooking Can Protect Your Health
Healthy Kids Is Your Responsibility
Americans Eat Too Much Junk Food
Try In-Line Skating or Rollerblading
Bicycling for Beginners
Importance of Keeping Fit
Keeping Fit – Getting Started
Bicycling for Health
Importance of Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs
Pedal Power
Exercise to Good Health
Safe Rollerblading
Learning to Rollerblade
In-line Skating is for You Too
Great Stress Reliever
Keeping Fit Indoors
Exercise the Miracle Cure
Your Health and Well-Being Is Important
Smoking and Depression
Socialize for Your Health
Social Activities Can Affect Your Health
Adults Need Sleep
Work Off Stress
Smoking and Depression
Be an Optimist
Holidays & Gift Giving
Crown Your Child King or Queen
Party Games - Group Storytelling
Party Games – Who Am I?
Holiday Mealtime Magic
Giving to Others
Make New Traditions
Whose Gift is This?
Plan Ahead for Holidays
Unwrapping the Gift of You
Special Ornaments
You Are Never too Old to Hang Your Stocking
Christmas Clearance Sales
More Christmas Decorating Ideas
Christmas All Through The House
Get in the Spirit Early
Plan a Special Christmas Meal
It Is a Family Affair
The Gift of You
One at a Time Please
Holiday Baking
Keeping the Right Perspective
Share the Holidays
Share Christmas Goodies
Christmas Care Packages
Christmas in a Jar
Christmas Gifts from the Heart
Give to Others
Keep Busy
Dealing with Holidays
Raising Teens
Talking with Your Teen
Bonding with Your Teen
Family Dinners Impact Teens
Establishing Curfews and Privileges
Household Chores for Teens
Teens Changing Living Arrangements
Smoking Can Cause Depression
Teens and Alcohol
Dangers of Teenage Drinking
Overachiever Teens
Spirituality, not Religion, Is Important
Sleep and Behavioral Problems
Lack of Sleep and Drugs
Helping Teens Avoid Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Reward Teens for Good Behavior
Early Spirituality Deters Alcohol Abuse
Why is my teenager depressed?
Teens Need Sleep Too
Lack of Sleep and Alcohol
Effects of Alcohol on Teens
Smoking Can Cause Depression
Spirituality Combats Alcoholism
Religion and Self-Esteem
Message Boards
First a Friend, Then a Suitor
Long Distance Relationships
Lonely--Find a Friend Quick!
Develop a Reliable Support System
Take Time to Heal
Closing Doors
Perfection Does Not Exist
Tear Down the Walls
Stop Looking
Stop Looking
Socialize for Your Health
Lonely--Get Connected
Support Group for Widows
Single Parenting Issues
Learn from Single Parenting
Single Parent Statistics
Definition of a Single Parent
Challenges of Single Parenting
Good Single Parenting Side Effects
Effect of Single Parent Working Outside the Home
Children Can Actually Benefit by Having a Parent Working Outside the Home
Struggles Faced by Single Parents
Some Benefits to Children in Single Parent Homes
Tape a Story
Get on Line
Collecting Memories
Start a Round Robin Story or Letter
Send Photos
Send Notes
Provide Envelopes and Stamps
Plan and Budget Visits
Parental Rights can be Lost
Establishing Paternity
When the Father Denies Paternity
Unwed Fathers
Establish Paternity at Birth
Stress Management
Take Time to Hug
Gratitude is Antidote to Stress
Great Stress Reliever
Making Stress Positive
Make Time for Yourself
Weekly Refresher
You Deserve a Break Today
Weekly Refresher Break Ideas
Take Care of Yourself
Complexity and Too Much Stuff
Unwind Before Going Home
Deal with Overload
Appreciate Surprise Moments
One Minute Meditation
Enjoy Simple Pleasures
Count Your Blessings
Relax with Music
Calgon, Take Me Away
Phone Therapy
Understanding Stress
Walk or Exercise that Stress Away
Dump the Stress Daily
Allocate First 30 Minutes for Yourself
Why Some Stress Is Good For You
Understanding Stress
Positive Stress
The Effects of Stress
Use Stress to Your Advantage
Work Off That Stress
Get Rid of Clutter
Get Your Children To Help
Get Your Priorities in Order
Use Roladex Cards
Avoid Burnout - Delegate
Plan Ahead
Quick Suppers
Running Errands
Eliminate Stressful Mornings
Enlisting Help from Your Children
Family Dinners on the Run
Teach Your Children to Plan Ahead
Snack Stash
Establish a Filing System
Reward for a Job Well Done
Teamwork on Weekends
Household Chores Can Be a Family Affair
Reward Good Help
Household Chores for Children
Examine your Priorities
Make Time for Your Kids
Goodnight Moon
Goodnight John Boy
Complexity of Too Much Stuff
Simplify Your Life
Avoid Excessive Worry
Avoid Procrastination
What Are Your Priorities?
Slow Down
How to Slow Down
Things Not To Do
Do Not Treat Your Child as a Peer
Remember You are the Grown-up
Your Child is Not Your Caregiver!
The child support check
Things To Do
Car Safety Tips
Avoid Being a Victim
Safety Tips on Getting into Your Car
Cell Phone Safety
Elevator Safety Tips
Avoid Sitting in Your Car
Never Visit Empty-Handed
Be Thankful for Everyday Pleasures
Travel Light
Faith - Set an Example
Goodnight Moon
Spirituality, not Religion, Is Important
Quality Not Quantity Is What's Important
Make Frequent Pit Stops
Let the Children Help When Moving
Great Expectations
Raise a Dreamer
Keep the Faith
Get Involved with School
Get Involved in Your Child's Activities
Love, Love, Love
Praise Builds Self-Esteem
Establish Schedules and Predictable Routines
Love a Hundred Different Ways
Scrapbook Fun
Give a Little Back
Random Acts of Kindness
Visiting Family
Help Others
School and Joint Physical Custody
Making Joint Physical Custody Work
Joint Custody Issues
Keep Rules Consistent
Schedule One-on-One Time
Keep a Positive Attitude
Take Time to Enjoy Visits
Quality, not Quantity is the Key
Stick to the Visitation Schedule
Say Thanks
Bite Your Tongue
Pack a Special Bag for Visits
Create a Pickup and Dropoff Ritual
Give Your Child a Visit Calendar
Homework and School Projects
Make Your House A Home
Supervised Visitation
Be Flexible
Child Support Does Not Affect Visitation Rights
Children Not Wanting to Visit
Love Cannot Be Bought
Take Time to Enjoy Visits
Visitation versus Child Support
Single Parent Newsletter Archive
Kisses to Go
Determining When a Child is Ready to Be Left Home Alone
Problems Associated with Latch-Key Kids
Signs of Stress Associated with Being Left Home Alone
Ease Back to Work Worries
Avoid Dating People You Work With
Blind Dates
Ditch Those Lazy Bums!
Do Not Date Out of Boredom
Do Not Get Desperate to Marry or Remarry
Do Not Settle for Less Than the Best
Make Sure It Is Love Not Lust
Marry for Love Not Convenience
More Types of Individuals to Avoid Dating
Never Date Strangers!
Red Flags
Types of Individuals to Avoid Dating
Childless First Dates
Discussing Your Dating with Your Children
Go Slow and Proceed with Caution
Honesty is the Best Policy
Planning Dates During Custodial Visits
Respect Must be Earned
Set an Example for Your Children
Christmas All Through The House
It Is a Family Affair
Special Ornaments
Support Group for Widows
Be Flexible
Bite Your Tongue
Homework and School Projects
Pack a Special Bag for Visits
Children Not Wanting to Visit
Schedule One-on-One Time
Keep a Positive Attitude
Take Time to Enjoy Visits
Family Game Night
Why is my teenager depressed?
Child Support and AFDC
Communicating Negative Messages
Cost for Child Support Enforcement Services
Cost to Apply for Child Support Enforcement
Public Aid and Child Support Enforcement
Visitation versus Child Support
Issues not Handled by Child Support Enforcement
Information Required by Child Support Enforcement
Petition for Child Support
Duration of Child Support
Bad Check for Child Support
When the Father Denies Paternity
Parental Rights can be Lost
Establishing Paternity
Determining Amount of Insurance Needed
Contempt of Court
Default Judgment
Child Support from Prisoners
Establish Paternity at Birth
Bounced (Bad) Child Support Checks
Plan a Special Christmas Meal
Holiday Mealtime Magic
The Gift of You
Get Your Children To Help
Reassure Your Children
My grandchild was born out of wedlock do I have any rights?
Should I file for visitation of my grandchildren?
What are some rules of advice I should follow regarding my visitation rights?
What can I do if I am a grandparent and am being denied visitation?
Why would I need a support group when I am raising my grandchildren?
Dads And Daughters
The Daddy Trap
The Ten Commandments for Divorced Parents
What did I do to cause my child to suffer from a mental illness?
Moving To A New City
School Pen Pals
TV And Your Child´s Sleep
What are some benefits of organized out-of-school activities?
Why is it so important for my child to be supervised after school?
Apologize for Losing Your Temper
Little Pitchers Have Big Ears
Step Back and Cool Off
Laughter Prescription
Get Price Quotes on Insurance Coverage
Applying for a Home Loan
Monitor Your Cash Flow
Prepare a Will and/or An Estate Plan
Establish a Savings Goal
Limit Credit Cards and Credit Purchases
Home Buying
Earned Income Credit (EIC)
Use Your Income Tax Refund Wisely
Get Counseling
Laughter Eases Pain
Laughter, A Natural Pain Killer
Therapeutic Power of Humor
Clinical Depresssion Can Be Hereditary
Temporary Versus Ongoing Depression
Stay Positive and Focused
What are some causes of depression?
Give to Others
Keep Busy
The Road To Success
What Moms are Worth
Saving A Knocked-Out Tooth
Help Others
Be Thankful for Everyday Pleasures
Give Thanks Every Day
Make Time for Your Child Each Evening
Appreciate Surprise Moments
Be Natural
Avoid Procrastination
Get Rid of Clutter
Understanding Stress
The Void
Use Stress to Your Advantage
Making Stress Positive
Work Off That Stress
Enlisting Help from Your Children
Day Care Supplies
Discipline and Love
Discussing Discipline with your Child
Rewards for Older Children
Avoid Depressive Thinking
Child Support Payment through Child Support Enforcement
Extracurricular Activity Expenses
Gather Financial Documents for Safekeeping
Cut Health Care Costs with Proper Nutrition
Safe Rollerblading
Giving to Others
Unwrapping the Gift of You
Unwed Fathers
Walk or Exercise that Stress Away
You Deserve a Break Today
Eliminate Stressful Mornings
Establish a Filing System
Goodnight Moon
Create a Pickup and Dropoff Ritual
Teaching Lessons One by One
Goodnight John Boy
You Are Never too Old to Hang Your Stocking
Discuss Issues
Let Your Child Know You Are Dating
Encourage Your Child to Play
Helping Children Overcome Fear
Christmas Gifts from the Heart
Christmas Care Packages
Share Christmas Goodies
Christmas in a Jar
Time to Make Lemonade
Check Your Job Attitude
Lemonade on the Job
Squeeze Those Lemons
Children Disapproving of Your Dating
Humor Can Help Fight Infections
Keep the Other Parent Informed
Keep Your Eyes Open
Laughter Boosts Endorphines
Let the Children Help When Moving
Childhood Fears
Overachiever Teens
Teens Changing Living Arrangements
Household Chores for Teens
Establishing Curfews and Privileges
Meet at Least Once a Month
Potential Mate and Your Children
Long Distance Relationships
Plan and Budget Visits
Send Notes
Send Photos
Start a Round Robin Story or Letter
Suicidal Children
Teaching Children Integrity
Collecting Memories
Get on Line
Play for Fun
Positive Stress
Praise Your Child
Show Your Love
Allocate First 30 Minutes for Yourself
Let Your Kids Help Prepare Meals
Nutritious Snacks
Discuss Integrity with Your Children
Integrity Is an Important Part of Emotional Health
The Effects of Stress
Try In-Line Skating or Rollerblading
Avoid Tantrums
Gratitude is Antidote to Stress
Make Your House A Home
Quality, not Quantity is the Key
Snack Stash
Family Dinners Impact Teens
Teens and Alcohol
Dangers of Teenage Drinking
Effects of Alcohol on Teens
Home Cooking Can Protect Your Health
Party Games - Group Storytelling
Party Games – Who Am I?
Child Support Encourages Paternal Involvement
Family Dinners on the Run
Social Activities Can Affect Your Health
Pay Attention to Your Child
What Are Your Priorities?
Dump the Stress Daily
Reading to Your Child
Family Time Read Aloud
Celebrate End-of-Summer
Back-to-School Supplies
Back-to-School Clothes
Student Financial Assistance
After-School Activity Calendar
Special Parent Folder
Morning Checklist
Backpack Station
Family Email
One Minute Meditation
Understanding Stress
Examine your Priorities
Grief and Divorce
Give Your Children Time to Heal
Give Yourself Time to Heal
Show Respect
Make Frequent Pit Stops
Treasure Bottle
Press Agent
Adults Need Sleep
Sleep Deprived Kids
Message Boards
Closing Doors
Perfection Does Not Exist
Tear Down the Walls
Stop Looking
Stop Looking
Tax Time Rewards
Get Rid of the Chips
Eliminate Stressful Mornings
Teach Your Child to Plan Ahead
What Are Your Priorities?
Dump the Stress Daily
Understanding Stress
Take Time to Hug
Collecting Memories
Traveling with Children
Overcoming Life`s Challenges
Weekly Refresher Ideas
Weekly Refresher
No Guilt Trips
Attitude Adjustment
The Great Outdoors
Short Day Trips
Weekend Teamwork
Examine Your Priorities
One Minute Meditation
Snack Stash
Lonely No More
Closing Doors
Stop Looking
Tear Down the Walls
Forget Perfection
Get Rid of the Chips
Reward Good Behavior
Helping Teens Avoid Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Smoking Can Cause Depression
Effects of Alcohol on Teens
Dangers of Teenage Drinking
Bonding with Your Children
Give Yourself to Others
Decorating Ideas
Special Ornaments
Family Dinners Impact Teens
Establishing Curfews and Privileges
Household Chores and Teens
Talking with Your Teen
Group Storytelling
Family Time Read Aloud
Reading Time Ritual
Create a Love of Reading
Reading to Your Child
Family E-Mail
Morning Checklist
Special Parent Folder
After School Activity Calendar
Backpack Station
Back-to-School Clothes
Back-to-School Supplies
Celebrate End-of-Summer
Family Car Wash
Be An Optimist
Social Activities Can Affect Your Health
Better Nutrition Enhances Energy
Take Care of You
Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs
Bicycling for Health
Bicycling for Beginners
Pedal Power
Stress Eliminator
Safe Rollerblading
Rollerblading Basics
Exercise the Miracle Cure
Inline Skating and Rollerblading
Let Kids Help With Meals
Setting a Good Example
Um-m-m, It Is So Good!
Healthy Eating Can Be Fun
Make Nutrition A Priority
Nutritious Snacks
Good Nutrition Boosts Self Esteem
Nutrition to Enhance Your Sex Appeal?
Exercise for Your Mental Health
Chronic Depression
Add Humor to Your Life
Stay Positive
Depression Affects Your Health
Depression Affects Everyone
Positive Single Parenting
Lemonade at Work
Sour Lemons or Sweet Lemonade; Your Choice
Lemons for Christmas?
Whose Gift is This?
Plan a Special Christmas Meal
It Is a Family Affair
Christmas Everywhere
Dealing with the Holidays
Get in the Spirit Early
Visiting Family
No Competing
Love Cannot Be Bought
Helping Your Children with Rejection
Grief and Divorce
Stability Holds the Key
Stay Calm
Realistic Expectations
Communicate by Example
Watch What You Say
Stability in a World of Chaos
An Abundance of Love
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Child
Setting a Good Example
Short Day Trips
Move Over Hollywood
Mini Car Wash
Enjoy Being a Kid Again
Learning Can Be Fun
Water Fun
Tourist Anyone?
Escape From Stress
The Hare and the Tortoise
Setting Educational Goals
Wade or Swim?
Get Going!
Brown Bag It
Great Movies at a Bargain
Dressed to the Nines!
Trimming Your Finances
Raise a Dreamer
Get Involved In Your Child’s Activities
Get Involved in Your Child’s Education
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 27: Great Expectations
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 26: Quality Not Quantity Is What Counts
Singleparent-tips Newsletter, Issue 25: Be Careful Who You Date!
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 24: Honesty Is the Best Policy
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 23: Go Slow
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 22: Discuss Your Dating with Your Children
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 21: New Beginnings
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue #20: New Beginnings
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 19: New Beginnings
Singleparent-tips Newsletter, Issue 18, New Beginnings
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 16, Christmas Fun
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 15: Christmas Fun
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 14, Christmas Fun
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 13, Christmas Fun
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 12, Get Ready for the Holidays
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 11, Get Ready for the Holidays
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 10, Get Ready for the Holidays
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 9, Get Ready for the Holidays
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 8, Living Healthy and Fit
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 7, Living Healthy and Fit
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 6, Living Healthy and Fit
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 5: Living Healthy and Fit
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 4: Living with Boundaries
SingleParent-tips Newsletter, Issue 3: Living with Boundaries
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 2: Establishing Boundaries
SingleParent-Tips Newsletter, Issue 1: Importance of Boundaries
Single Parent Frequently Asked Questions
What are some of the struggles faced by single parents?
What do you mean I am part of a package?
What do I do if I feel custodial visits are a threat to my child?
Is it okay to lean on my kids to take care of me?
How can I help my children get ready to go back to school?
Is it okay to confide in my kids?
What are some challenges faced by single parents?
How can I keep my kids from drugs and alcohol?
How do I start bicycling?
Are there any good benefits of single parent households?
At what age should you start reading to a child?
What is a good way to escape from the stresses of life?
How should I read to my child?
How can I attract a mate?
How do you define a single parent?
How can I ensure my child will love me if I do not have custody?
How can I help build my child´s self-esteem?
How can I go to school, work, and raise a family at the same time?
I have more month than money, what can I do?
What is the best way to deal with stress?
How can I compete with the other parent?
How can I combat loneliness?
How can I keep my kids away from alcohol and drug abuse?
How can I maintain control without getting angry?
I already have a college degree, why do I need to go back to school?
Does discipline change as a child grows up?
What can we do to alleviate boredom that is inexpensive?
Why is sleep important for my child?
Any inexpensive ideas for a day of fun?
What do I say when my child asks where is my father?
What are some of the problems associated with joint custody?
What can I do to relieve stress?
What are some of the problems associated with joint custody?
Is it okay to ask my date questions?
Is it okay to talk with my kids like I would my best friend?
Any ideas on children´s party games?
What is I receive a bad check for child support
How many single parents are there in the US?
How can I help my children feel secure?
How does a single parent working outside the home affect the kids?
How do I interview a babysitter?
Benefits to children when parent works outside the home?
Difference between joint physical custody and joint legal custody?
Joint physical custody vs. joint legal custody?
Am I neglecting my kids when I date?
Can I send my child support check with my child?
What rights to unwed fathers have?
How can I communicate with my ex-spouse if all we do is argue?
How does being a single parent affect you emotionally?
Is it okay to date at home with my kids?
Should I let my children know I am dating?
Why should I be optimistic?
What holidays should I be prepared for?
Any ideas for creative projects that will become keepsakes?
How can I get my teen to talk with me?
Is it okay to include my kids on a first date?
Should I be concerned if I see character flaws in my date?
Any new ideas for kids who like to play in the water?
How can children benefit from single parents?
Can anyone help me collect child support?
What is depressive thinking?
Is it wrong to expect things to improve with my ex?
Should I date someone I work with?
Are there any negative aspects of single parenting?
Is there any help available for buying a home?
Are there any cruises or trips especially for single parents?
What are some nutritious snacks?
Why do I get sick every time I get depressed?
How can I get my family to cooperate with my educational goals?
How can I make opening gifts more fun?
Is is okay to have a time-out day from work and stress?
How can I provide some stability to my family?
What do you do when life deals you a bunch of lemons?
Can I ask my child not to tell my ex something?
Should I tell my ex about school events and activities?
How can I find something to laugh about every day?
How do I deal with an angry ex-spouse?
How can I get my kids involved in helping decorate the tree?
How Can I Find the Right Mate?
Should I be jealous of the time my child spends with the other parent?
How can I deal with depression?
How can I fight against depression?
How does my attitude affect my work environment?
How can I get everything done before Christmas?
Can I prevent my ex from visits when he doesn¡¦t pay child support?
What should I do when visiting family for an extended period of time?
What is wrong with my teen smoking?
How can nutrition boost self-esteem?
How do I become part of the solution instead of the problem?
How can I make a better life for me and the kids?
Should I introduce my children to my dates?
Are there ways to show love rather than just saying it?
How can I get my child support collected that is overdue?
Now that the tree is decorated, what else should I do?
How can I learn from single parenting?
How can I find out about my children´s friends?
How can discipline be positive?
So what if you are angry with your child´s other parent-is that okay?
What can my kids do on hot summer days?
Should I let my children pick my future mate?
How can I better discipline my children?
How can I keep from neglecting my kids while I go back to school?
Are there individuals I should avoid dating?
How do I make joint physical custody work best for my child?
How do I get child support through Child Support Enforcement?
How can relations be improved between my child and absent parent?
How can I build my child´s self-esteem?
Can child support be withheld from a paycheck?
How can I make our holiday meal festive?
What is earned income credit?
How can I afford to buy clothes when I can barely pay my bills?
Why do I feel so sad and grieved?
Why do I feel like someone just died?
Can I do a good job raising my kids alone?
Why will my kids not listen to me?
I am overloaded, what can I do?
What if I cannot afford to buy everything my child wants?
Should I hide the fact I have children until later?
Will it help to develop a routine for my children?
Going to the movies costs too much, what can we do?
How can I encourage regular visits when they are rare?
Is clinical depression hereditary?
How important are fathers to children?
My child has big dreams, is that normal or okay?
Where do I find a babysitter?
Are there any other safety tips I should know?
How can I encourage my kids to be kind?
Should we be friends before we get involved?
What if my date is lazy and doesn´t try to help me?
Are there any other individuals I should avoid dating?
What about dating someone I don´t know?
At what age is it okay to leave a child alone?
Do I have to watch what I say about my ex around my kids?
What if I´m afraid to make decisions?
How can I be evaluated as a parent, not just a father?
Does a single parent have to be lonely?
How does joint physical custody work for school-age children?
What about long-distance relationships?
What´s something fun we can do close to home?
Need your car washed and cleaned but don´t have time?
Is it okay to let my kids deliver messages to my ex-spouse?
Have I Found the "Right One"?
How is paternity established?
Can my child relay negative message for me?
How can I provide a reminder for my child that I love them?
Is it okay to expect my teen to help with household chores?
How can I eliminate things that cause stress?
How much house can I afford?
What inexpensive gifts can we give teenage friends, babysitters, etc.?
Am I ready to remarry?
What do you do when something needs to be repaired?
How does joint physical custody work for school-age children?
Why did this happen to me?
How can I encourage better spelling in my child?
How do you deal with anger?
How can I keep going without burning out?
Do I need to attend church with kids or can I just send them?
Is it okay for children to grieve when their parents divorce?
What steps should I take to deal with anger?
How does what I do today affect tomorrow?
Anything I should know before filing income tax returns?
It it okay to date because I´m bored?
How about dating around my teenagers?
Is it okay to move the boundaries occasionally?
How can I make Christmas exciting after we open gifts?
How can I develop a good relationship with my child?
How much house payment can I afford?
What if I can´t afford a babysitter to go to school?
How do I survive holidays?
Isn´t religion the same as spirituality?
How can I help my child grow emotionally?
Warning signs to indicate something wrong with staying home alone?
How can I reassure my child when I leave him/her at the babysitter?
What do I do if my child complains about the other parent?
How can I make my child´s birthday special?
I must eat out for lunch, so how can I save?
How can I cut the cost of feeding my family?
How can I be a good single parent?
I can´t talk to my ex, how can we communicate?
What type of charitable contributions can we make as a family?
What´s a quiet activity my kids can do?
Will my child love me less if I can´t provide for them like my ex?
Is it okay to call my ex-spouse "names" if they fit?
How can I meet new friends?
Is it okay to let my teenager make their own rules now?
Is it okay to plan my dates around custodial visits?
How can I get my kids to help with household chores?
What should I do with financial documents?
How can I be a real dad on short visits?
How can I make my child feel this is their home too?
What if my child does not want to visit?
Is it okay to end a date with sex?
Why does my child need my attention?
How do I talk to my teenager?
Is bicycling a good exercise for physical fitness?
Is it okay for my kids to spy on the other parent for me?
Can the noncustodial father carry health insurance on my children?
Any more inexpensive gift ideas?
What About Gifts for Neighbors, Mail Carrier, etc.?
Is it true love or infatuation?
Are there guidelines to follow for blind dates?
How can I keep from getting over-stressed?
Do single parents face different problems than dual-parent households?
How can I build self-esteem in my child?
Does my attitude affect my health?
What are some good ideas for family hour?
Why should I be concerned about nutrition?
Any other ideas for brown bag lunches?
How can I get on with my life and stop fighting?
Can I go to school just for fun?
What can I do to help others?
How can I get involved with others?
How can I encourage my child´s spiritual growth?
What can we do on Christmas Eve?
Can the court take away my parental rights?
What can I do if I worry a lot?
How can I encourage my kids to eat vegetables?
What is the best way to deal with life´s lemons?
What can I do about tantrums?
How can I keep track of all the after-school activities?
How can I show love when I must discipline a child?
Any night time safety tips?
What is a quick way to unwind?
Why are boundaries important?
How can I make Christmas fun for everyone?
How can I afford Christmas?
What are power games and do I have to play?
How does discipline affect self-esteem?
What are some safety tips regarding using cell phones?
Any inexpensive entertainment ideas?
How can I assess the quality of a daycare for my child?
Is it too late to set goals for myself?
How can I verbally express my anger appropriately?
Does depression affect my basic health?
Should my kids also set goals?
How can I make our evening meal special?
Will better nutrition affect weight?
How can I provide encouragement to my child?
What is a fun way to teach my child the alphabet?
What’s a good way to get my kids to bed on time?
How can I minimize anxiety on my child with joint physical custody?
How can I help my kids understand they have not been rejected?
What are some other methods for cutting back expenses?
I have too much I need to do on weekends. Help!
Should I set goals for myself and my family?
How do I eliminate all the extra stuff in my life?
What is a family game night?
How can I pay for extracurricular activities for my kids?
What if I cannot afford to save?
Any suggestions for traveling with children?

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Jerry Mayo