Single Parent Tips

When it comes to Single Parent, we've been there, done that, now serving 637 tips in 20 categories ranging from Child Care to Visitation.

How can I attract a mate?

Stop Looking

Trying to find an ideal relationship is worse than looking for a needle in a haystack. Rather than spending time and money on personal ads and dating services, try investing your time and energy into things you enjoy doing. Many good relationships happen by chance meetings at the grocery store, auctions, PTA meetings, soccer and baseball practices and games, etc. Pursue a hobby and an activity you enjoy. Who knows, you may find your ideal partner out there on the walking trail or browsing the museum. Let love find you where you are, just make sure you are out there and not sitting at home!

How can I attract a mate?

Stop Looking

Trying to find an ideal relationship is worse than looking for a needle in a haystack. Rather than spending time and money on personal ads and dating services, try investing your time and energy into things you enjoy doing. Many good relationships happen by chance meetings at the grocery store, auctions, PTA meetings, soccer and baseball practices and games, etc. Pursue a hobby and an activity you enjoy. Who knows, you may find your ideal partner out there on the walking trail or browsing the museum. Let love find you where you are, just make sure you are out there and not sitting at home!

How can I attract a mate?

Tear Down the Walls

Most single parents have been hurt in the past and as a result, have built walls to ensure they won't get hurt again. Because of this past hurt, they tend to put potential relationships through various tests in an effort to determine their sincerity or test their love. These tests seldom work and if you are looking for something to fail, it probably will. Instead of devising tests for the other person, work on becoming a person who sets strong and clear boundaries and avoid the chance of being mistreated. Become your own person who is not reliant upon others for your emotional well-being. Be secure in yourself and who you are.

How can I attract a mate?

Perfection Does Not Exist

Accept the fact that you are human and not perfect. Give up the idea that having the ideal body, bank account, or bubbling personality are necessary in order for someone to love you. Accept yourself for who you are and all the good qualities you have to offer. There is someone who will accept you and love you for the real you, not for who you desire to be. That does not mean we are not to strive to improve ourselves, just not to set unreasonable expectations. The idea that we are undesirable if we are not perfect needs to be trashed. Be proud of who you are now and what you will be as you move forward.

How can I attract a mate?

Closing Doors

You are not ready for a new relationship until you have firmly closed the doors on past relationships. If you have hopes that one of your past relationships will return to you, others will detect it. No one is interested in someone who is unavailable or only partially available. Close the door on all past relationships if you want to move forward.

How can I attract a mate?

Get Rid of the Chips

Everyone knows when someone has a chip on their shoulder, everyone except the person who has it. Even though you may think your disappointment and anger at the opposite sex is undetectable, it is not. Look to see if you are harboring hidden anger or resent, or ask your friends if necessary. If so, get rid of it. Only then will you have a better chance of attracting the mate that you desire. Chips are very unattractive.

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