Great Movies at a Bargain

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Going to the movies costs too much, what can we do?

Great Movies at a Bargain

Do you or the kids have a favorite movie you like to watch again and again? Rather than renting it over and over, consider purchasing the video. Check out the prices on previously-viewed videos at your local video rental store, or even garage sales. Many times people purchase movies they haven't seen because it gets great reviews and it sounds like a good movie. However, everyone's tastes are different and they discovered they didn't enjoy it enough to watch it again. Or perhaps it is a classic children's movie the kids have outgrown. Rummage sale time. Someone else's junk can be your treasure.



5/10/2007 9:36:05 PM
Kristal said:

If you and your children want to see a new movie that just came out into theaters try going to the drive-ins if there is one located near you. They are usually alot cheaper and you can bring in your own healthy snacks!!!


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