Be Realistic about Your Life

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How can I be a good single parent?

Be Realistic about Your Life

Let's face it, raising kids is hard work even in two parent households. It is even harder when you are a single parent and work full-time. It is too easy to make your kids the focal point of your life and for you to spend every waking hour trying to provide for them and meet their needs. Unfortunately, this leaves little time for you and any dreams you might have. If you really desire to have a mate and become a two-parent household again, you need to also focus on yourself. Take time out to work on you, refining and polishing areas in your life that may be a little rough. Take time to grow and develop emotionally so you will be prepared when Mr. or Mrs. Right comes along. Allow yourself a night out occasionally for social functions with friends or attend singles gatherings to give you an opportunity to meet other people. Keep things in proper perspective. You are more than somebody's mother.



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